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Article "Practically Invulnerable": Chinese Paper Armour

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:01 pm
by Peter Dekker
For those interested in Chinese paper armour, I recently did an article for HAND PAPERMAKING, WINTER 2009, Volume 24, Number 2.
It is a magazine on traditional and modern uses of paper published by the non-profit organization Hand Papermaking, Inc.

The issue's theme is mimicry and my contribution is an article called "Practically Invulnerable": Chinese paper armor. The article also features some other surprising uses of paper on Chinese artifacts I've collected over the years.


Overview of the articles in the current issue:
Mindy Dubansky surveys hidden paper treasures at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Peter Dekker describes the practical and invulnerable nature of early Chinese paper armor

Sidney Berger discusses Dutch gilt paper as the perfect substitute for leather

Moriki Kayoko shares the story of Ueda Takashi, a Japanese craftsman who produces kinkarakami gilt-leather paper

Jennifer King looks at eighteenth- and nineteenth-century paper clothing

Christina Leitner informs us about paper textiles in wartime Europe

Tara Ruth introduces us to contemporary artists who explore mimicry through the shape-shifting nature of handmade paper

Andrea Peterson offers a paper sample that emulates the surface of the moon

Buzz Spector interviews Italian artist Roberto Mannino whose paper sculpture resembles shaped, polished metal (with paper sample)

Lynn Sures ON Annarita Librari and her chiaroscuro watermarks (with paper sample)

Dorothy Field ON three papermaking traditions in Asia

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